Make better fly casts by not rotating your hand

One of the most common issues facing fly casters is the inability to make a well formed fly casting loop. A J shaped casting loop is more aerodynamic and energy efficient that a line that swings back and forth with no shape. Keeping the hand, and thus, the tip of the flyrod, in the same casting plane is crucial to forming the proper loop. If you hand is twisting or rotating during the cast, so will the tip of the flyrod and the line as well. Casts made in this style can be made to work in calm conditions but will easily collapse and fall short in the wind. In this fly casting video tutorial, I will explain and demonstrate the difference between this cast and a proper cast.

Pay close attention to the position of the hand throughout the entire stroke. Many persons rotate or twist their hand which also causes the tip to rotate. Try and imagine what the path of your rod tip looks like if you were watching it from above.

If you have any question or comments about this technique, be please leave them on the video below.