Resetting the Back Cast

This common fly casting mistake results in the angler shortening the length of the forward stroke. This will usually lead to other issue such as tailing loops,or the fly line or leader failing to straighten.

This casting fault occurs when the angler reaches the end of the back cast stroke and instead of pausing in that spot to allow the fly line to unroll, they immediately reset the rod tip forward, this making the next stroke shorter. If extra power is used to compensate for the shorter stroke, a tailing or closed loop may occur. If normal speed and power are applied over a stroke which is too short, it is often not enough energy or momentum to full straighten the forward cast

Anglers who consistently make this mistake usually do so because their back cast is directed down towards the ground or water behind them. In order for it not to hit the ground, they begin moving forward. In the video below, you can see exactly how this error occurs.